%% Document Style `FEUP PhD Teses'
%% By Mario Saenz Espinoza
%% mario.espinoza at fe.up.pt

%% General Considerations:
	%% - Uses BibTeX
	%% - Uses MakeIndex

%% Make sure to specify those properties in the "Project/Properties" section of your LaTeX editor.

%% Package options:
	%% - prodeb/prodef/pdeqb/pdeec: choose a doctoral program
		% PRODEB: Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomedica
		% PRODEF: Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Fisica
		% PDEQB: Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Quimica e Biologica
		% PDEEC: Programa Doutoral em Engenharia em Electrotecnica e Computadores
	%% - libre: for any kind of work that is not the PhD thesis (e.g. monografia, workplan, etc.)
	%% - jury: copy for the Jury
	%% - final: final copy
	%% - onpaper: links are not shown (for paper versions)
	%% - linenum: to include line numbers
	%% - backrefs: include back references from bibliography to citation place
%% \graphicspath:
	%% - Where the "Figures" folder is located.  Save all your images in this folder
%% \include{mymacros}:
	%% - Save all macros in this .tex file
%% \hyphenation:
	%% - Set all the special hyphenation exceptions.  Shouldn't be needed, but could be useful for the "Resumo"


%% \author
	%% - Your name

%% \title
	%% - Title of your thesis

%% \supervisor
	%% - Name of your Supervisor

%% \thesisdate
	%% - Date of your thesis.  Use only "month, year"


%% Add your chapters, each in a sepparate .tex file


%% This is tricky.  There is a difference between 'bibliography' and 'references'.  'Bibliography' is all the literature you used in your research, whether you cited them explictly or not.  'References' are the specific entries you have cited and your work is referred to.

%% Therefore, if you are using 'Bibliography', the whole section in the main file ('Template_EN.tex') should look like this:

% \renewcommand{\bibname}{Bibliography}
% \phantomsection
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}
% \begin{singlespace}
	% \nocite{*}
	% \bibliographystyle{IEEEtranSN}
	% \bibliography{References}								% Bibliography/References [.bib file]
% \end{singlespace}
% \clearemptydoublepage

%% If you are using 'References':

% \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
% \phantomsection
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References}
% \begin{singlespace}
	% \bibliographystyle{IEEEtranN}
	% \bibliography{References}								% Bibliography/References [.bib file]
% \end{singlespace}
% \clearemptydoublepage


%%Don't do anything except adding your "Appendix.tex" file


%% I hope you enjoy it!  Keep up the good work.  Bom trabalho.