This is a set of files for typsetting Tibetan using TeX

I started with the latextibetan package (see below). This included

- pk300 fonts (tib and tibsp)
- a prefilter program tfilt in c (source)

You write a text file name.tib, then run tfilt on it to get name.tex,
which you then tex and etc normally.

I made substantial modifications to the filter program to fix bugs and
add features (e.g. various sanscrit letters, different sized fonts). I
also took the pk files, used GNU font utilities to create .mf files so
that the fonts can be made at any desired scale. I also cleaned up the
fonts a bit. I added a unix script ttex, which automates the
filtering/texing/dvi2ps process. I greatly expanded the tibdef.tex
include file. The file boxes.tex can also be used to get various

I've had no success in contacting anyone who made the original


To install, 

- unpack the files in their appropriate directories, 

- type make in the src directory (modifying the makefile if you want) 

- build the pk files you want from .mf files
  (as per usual for TeX and the mf program [add mf instructions here])

- modify ttex for the location of the tfilt program. 

Then try out the examples mani.tib etc.

Good luck!

Sam Sirlin
June 1996

From the original latextibetan package README:

This package was obtained from Ronald Schwartz at the Memorial
University of Newfoundland.  It provides a LaTeX front-end for writing
modern Tibetan.

Directions are in the file called instruct (in the ps/instruct.ps file).

From the latextibetan c source code:

 	Copyright 1987 Jeff Sparkes
 	Department of Computer Science
 	Memorial University of Newfoundland
 	St. John's, Nfld.
 	garfield!jeff1,	jeff1@garfield.mun.cdn
 	Permission is granted to distribute and/or modify this code,
        provided this copyright notice remains intact.
 	If you use it, let me know.  If change it let me know.  If you
 	make money from it, send me a share.
