------------------- tikzorbital package ------------------- :Licence: Latex project public licence http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt :Author: Germain Salvato-Vallverdu <germain.vallverdu@univ-pau.fr> :Date: decembre 2012 :CTAN: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tikzorbital :gitHub: https://github.com/gVallverdu/tikzorbital short description ----------------- The tikzorbital package provides several LaTeX macros in order to draw easily molecular diagrams and atomic orbital of type s, p and d inside tikzpicture environment. macros ------ All macros have to be used inside tikzpicture environment : * ``\drawLevel`` : draw a level with zero, one or two electrons drawn as up and arrows. This command is used for molecular orbital diagrams. * ``\orbital`` : draw atomic orbital of type s, p or d. * ``\satom`` : quickly place an atom with several lobes around it. bugs and suggestion ------------------- Feel free to contact me for any bugs, comments or suggestions.